From acne treatments
and facial cleansers to anti wrinkle creams, Drula has responded
to the needs of its customers to give a remarkable product with
every purchase. Drula has been founded by physicians and pharmacists
and has been known internationally for over 75 years. This Montreal
based company has been awarded numerous medals for its exceptional
quality skin care products.
Preparations are both, pharmaceutical and cosmetic, at the same
time, it means treatment, health and beauty care, at once. They
are then paramedical products based from the best fruit, plant extracts
and natural ingredients to take care of all skin types of men and
women. They are hypoallergenic.
Acne Treatments Facial Cleansers Skin Bleaching Vitiligo
A guide for herbal nutritional supplements describes ginseng, yohimbe,
kava kava, ephedra, deer velvet, cordyceps and many other remedies.

for acne treatments, facial cleansers, skin care, skin bleaching,
vitiligo cream. Get rid of acne and pimple. Find how to eliminate
blackheads. Pimple care medication medecine, cream, prevention,
removing, nose, extractor.
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